Sunday, October 16, 2005

String/XML representations in YAXL

Damian Cugley asks

Could you eliminate the need for the text member variable by using str(elt) instead? Or would that interfere with using str to return the XML representation for the whole element?

In YAXL v0.0.14 I've split the representation of an element between str and repr so that the former would be a shortcut to return the text property and the latter would return the XML representation of the element.

I'm pleased with the separation since now if you evaluate an element at the interactive prompt, it returns the XML for the element but if you print or interpolate the element its string value will be used. There is also a nice parallel with the way nodes are handled in XPath.

YAXL elements retain the text property in order to continue to support the oodles of screaming fans who have already shipped billion-dollar projects based on my little library.

Thanks for the suggestion Damian!

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