Saturday, October 15, 2005

iPod nano in da house

Vem and I finally both got our iPod nanos! What a cool gadget. These things are too slick to be real!

My one small gripe is that we ordered a bunch of stuff from Apple and they shipped it all separately with the predictable result that the iPod armband for Vem's gym sessions arrived first (wow, look - an armband) followed by her iPod, followed several days and a trip to the local Fedex detention centre for un-claimed packages later by mine own.

Rumors about the nano being scratch-prone seem to have some truth to them as I can already (after a fay and a half) detect small scoring on the exterior plastic. Of course, we ordered protective "skins" but since Apple hasn't shipped them yet (and nobody in their right mind would leave an un-opened nano sitting on the shelf for three weeks) we may find that our nanos are not as pristine as they could be. Ah well...

Still, the photo feature is pretty sweet (useless but sweet) although it would be nice to be able to set a photo that displays automatically when you power on (sort of like Vem's digital camera), the rating feature is very cool (I was just ranting to Vem the other day about needing one of these). iTunes is not all it could be but I haven't started playing around with the iPod libraries out there to see what I can hack up.

Anyways, overall we love our nanos and would buy them again: 9.8/10

1 comment:

David Toub said...

Iain, glad to hear you like the nano! Bought my wife a 4GB white one the day they came out. Yes, they do scratch (so does my previous iBook), but I believe the black ones scratch more easily. They're awesome MP3 players. I have a 60 GB that replaced my 10 GB second-generation iPod, and I'm not sure why I waited so long to upgrade.

Now, you just need to bite the bullet and get a Mac mini---ours was cheap, is fast and a ton of fun to use. I'm writing this on my new iBook G4, and there is pretty much nothing I can't do on it. I use Virtual PC on occasion to do some Access DB work, but to access the rare site that doesn't work with Safari or Firefox, mostly due to a lack of standards compliance on the part of whomever coded it.