Monday, October 10, 2005

YAXL v0.0.12 released

Over the weekend I've managed to work in a number of bugfixes, add some more XPath support, add sequence-style access for children and implement a whole slew of namespace features. The latest source version includes 78 unit-tests that cover all this fancy functionality.

I'm still debating the question of whether or not to allow access to children via property names (like xmltramp). The problem is that you end up having to mangle either child names or "real" property names. Also, you need to have a mangled way for dealing with node-sets. YAXL curretly supports XPath even in XML fragments so theoretically you should use that, but it's hard not to like root.title as opposed to root('title'). More complex queries, however, reveal the power of XPath: compare [x for x in root.head.children if x.localname == 'style'] to root('head//style') to retrieve all style elements of an HTML document. Or even root('//p') to retrieve all the paragraphs.

Ideally, YAXL would support both methods but I still need to come to terms with all the mangling required.

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