Wednesday, December 22, 2004


TinyP2P - Double the Saturated Fat - /technology/perl/autoload.writeback - Double the Saturated Fat - /technology/perl/autoload.writeback

Automatic download/install in python

It would be really nice to have a way to automatically download a module from PyPI or whatever and install it on the current machine. Whatever it is should take version numbers and so on into account. Ah... wishful thinking.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

JVM Options List

JVM Options List In-Room Chat as a Social Tool In-Room Chat as a Social Tool: "There were two bits of organizational structure that also helped shape the meeting. The first was our adoption of Jerry Michalski's marvelous 'Red Card/Green Card' system, where participants were given a set of colored cards about 20 cm square in three colors, red, green, and gray. The cards were used to make explicit but non-verbal commentary on what was being said at the time. A green card indicates strong assent, red strong dissent, and gray confusion."

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

iTracker plugin for Eclipse

iTracker has an Eclipse plugin. Check out the plugin details.

Quality Software Development - Bug Tracking Systems

Jill Stephenson lists some requirements and things to think about before attempting to implement Bug Tracking Systems for your projects.

Friday, November 12, 2004 Introducing JDesktop Integration Components, Part 1 Introducing JDesktop Integration Components, Part 1

Pragmatic Automation

The pragmatic side of build automation suggests aural and visual queues for monitoring your current build status.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Sharp Ideas: information security solutions

Sharp Ideas: information security solutions

O/R Mapping Blues

Brian McCallister has O/R mapping blues and suggests a couple of ways to streamline object query throughput via a paging mechanism. - ACID is Good. Take it in Short Doses - ACID is Good. Take it in Short Doses

This article points out that you cannot do ACID transactions that last a long period of time. But what if you had a series of smaller ACID transactions that were encapsulated in larger ones all the way up to the least granular level. Of course, you would need to provide an extra aspect: resolution. The rollback/commit tragedy is that you must do one or the other but not both. It would be nice to have a mode where instead of doing either you have a third way to deal with transactions.... or maybe I'm just crazy for thinking it could be done....

Friday, November 05, 2004

Social Software is a cool site that aggregates lists of bookmarks.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Saturday, October 09, 2004
